"Nothing stopped my hangovers until I tried this pill”

For less than your standard $3 tip, you could save yourself from another hangover with Over EZ.

I've purchased multiple packs over the last 12 months — so I really do recommend it. But you can read about my thoughts below.

written and reviewed by Miranda Davis

Do you ever wish you could enjoy a few drinks without waking up sick, with a headache, and feeling dragged-out the next day?

I do — and I’m sure you do as well. Especially when you look at the costs of having a night out, versus all that you’ll miss out on the next day...

...like your morning yoga or gym session (consistency is key, right?).

...brunch with your best friend.

...or even your vacation (and not wasting an entire day in your Airbnb).

It’s hard to have fun when your hungover, which is why the crew at EZLifestyle spent over 2 years in a lab developing an effective, and natural, hangover prevention pill called Over EZ.

The idea behind Over EZ is genius:

Prevent hangovers before they even happen

Which goes against the usual hangover solutions, like painkillers, coffee, Bloody Mary’s, and even activated charcoal (charcoal, seriously?).

If you've tried any of those remedies before, you’ll know that they rarely, if ever, work.

They all focus on masking hangover symptoms once you've already got them.

Over EZ flips those remedies on their head — rather than masking symptoms, it prevents them from even happening.

In short, it's a smarter way of preventing hangovers.

So how does Over EZ work?

Over EZ works by accelerating the breakdown of the toxin that causes hangovers: Acetaldehyde while you’re drinking by increasing Glutathione in your liver with the amino acid L-Cysteine.

This toxin is responsible for the nausea, headaches, light sensitivity.... you name it — that you feel the day after drinking. If you wake up and none of it is in your liver, then you will feel fine.

Simple, right?

Not really, because when you drink alcohol, your liver immediately begins to metabolize it. This process turns the alcohol (ethanol) into the toxin Acetaldehyde, and later breaks it down into acetate (a slightly less toxic compound), and then carbon dioxide and water.

This process takes a lot of time, so if you drink to fast (approximately more than 1 drink per hour), then your liver cannot keep up which results in a build up of toxins.

The more you drink = the more acetaldehyde is left in your system = the worse your hangover is.

That’s why you have to fight the hangover the night before.

And it turns out that you can fight hangovers with a few natural vitamins, minerals, and herbs:

  • Cysteine: This Amino Acid is your body’s #1 hangover fighter. It breaks down the hangover-causing toxin acetaldehyde and reduces your hangover symptoms by massively boosting natural Glutathione in your body (this is regarded as the best chemical for breaking down acetaldehyde).
  • Vitamin B-Complex: Alcohol depletes Vitamin B, which is key to feeling on top of your game. Lack of B vitamins leaves us feeling slow and sluggish.  Replenishing your B Vitamins will get you back to feeling energized and healthy sooner rather than later.
  • Milk Thistle: Milk Thistle’s active component, silymarin, is nature’s own liver supporter and protector. Silymarin maximizes the liver’s detoxifying and cleansing capabilities and boosts the liver’s hangover fighting power. It also helps relieve indigestion and upset stomach.
  • Chicory Root: Chicory Root Extract is a powerful digestive aid that supports the liver in breaking down the toxins that cause your hangover symptoms.
  • + more — the founders created a 3-phase formula which helps prevent hangovers. I'm not the most qualified to state how it works, but they do a pretty good job on their website.
"Does this mean you’ll never get a hangover with Over EZ?"

I don't think so. I’m sure that Over EZ has it’s limitations, but as someone with no medical or professional science background, I can’t say what they are.

My experience–and some friends experiences–with Over EZ tells me that the effects are fairly consistent, but I assume that if you drink enough alcohol, no hangover remedy will work.

My experience with Over EZ

I first heard about Over EZ in October 2023, only a few exciting weeks after I moved to Toronto from Sydney, Australia.

Me at the happy hour!

I was at a co-working space on Happy Hour Thursdays (a networking event they throw each week) drinking my second glass of wine when I jokingly said:

I can’t have too many, I have back-to-back meetings in the morning”.

Which is when one of the other attendees I was talking to brought up Over EZ.

“You should try Over EZ. It’s a pill you take with your first drink and stops you from getting hangovers. I always feel fine the next day when I take them”

If you’re anything like me – someone who can’t risk performing below 100%, yet hates saying no to a glass of wine (maybe because of my aussie background?) – then grabbing a pack of Over EZ seemed like a no-brainer.

I was skeptical the first couple times I took them — I never drank enough alcohol to really warrant a serious hangover (which for me is about 4 drinks), though I did always feel great the next day.

But when my roommate invited me to a Sound District event with an open-bar, that’s when I knew it was time to really test it’s limits (free shots and cocktails, anyone?).

Enthusiastically, I gave 1 pill to my friend, and saved my last serving for my first drink.

Safe to say that we all fully embraced the unlimited shots and mixed drinks that night...

The next afternoon, I woke up half-expecting to be crippled by a churning stomach and cold sweats…

But after laying there for a moment, checking the time on my phone, and doing some mental maths to see if I was still intoxicated — I realized that I wasn’t, and that I felt completely fine.

(though, a little tired — but likely from the 4am finish).

No headache. No nausea. No sweating. Nothing.

Safe to say, I’ve purchased a few packs since. It’s become an essential part of my night out when I plan to drink.

Do I recommend it?

I do.

When each pill costs less than what I tip my bartender for a round, it's hard not rationalize the benefits of using it.

Over EZ saves me an entire day — rather than feeling like I'm about to die, I can actually fit in my daily workout, explore downtown Toronto with my friends, and catchup on work if I need to.

Note: Selfie and affiliated writers don’t condone the irresponsible, or illegal consumption of alcohol. Please drink responsibly, according to to your local laws, and know your limits.


End Hangovers For Good.

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